Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Control

  • Real Time Online Delivery
  • 20 hours of Live Interactive Sessions
  • Assessments
  • Learning Kit

Course Overview

Whether you are maintaining an oil rig or processing plant, good quality maintenance is critical to delivering a safe reliable product to your customers. Whatever your level of maintenance experience, this course will equip you with the valuable skills and understanding that will enhance your maintenance career. Too often the maintenance department is seen as the cause of why assets are unavailable, in poor condition yet are costing too much to maintain. By comparison, pace setting companies see maintenance as adding value to their assets and employ an integrated, holistic approach to their maintenance activities. This 3-day course will help you move towards that pace setting performance.

Maintenance teams cannot perform without effective integration with operations and supply chain functions. Availability losses are often caused by operations or design issues and pace setting companies have generated significant benefits by integrating operation and maintenance strategies and working more collaboratively. This course will help all members of the operations and maintenance teams and their supply chain better understand their respective roles in ensuring that maintenance is benefitting and not hurting their business.

This course also has some specific COVID-19 content, specifically a risk assessment model along with the latest thinking on how to minimise the impact as we move into a COVID constrained world. Your lecturer has been involved in two of the largest maintenance projects in the UK as the outbreak hit as well as facilitating digitisation projects that will help not just react to COVID but also use this as a chance to evolve in a way we will value once the COVID risk passes. This experience will be used to provide case studies and exercises for the course.

Trainer’s Profile

He is a highly experienced facilitator in maintenance improvement, change management, continuous improvement and capability development as a management coach and trainer.
He has a strong focus on people with an emphasis on developing people and the practicalities of improving maintenance performance rather than just the theory.

He has worked internationally across Europe, America, the Middle East and Africa with extensive experience in Oil and Gas, the Chemicals sector and manufacturing as well as
working with clients in Steel and Power Generation. As a consequence, he can bring best practice from a wide variety of sources.

He was recently awarded a national award as coach of the year. He uses the same skills to ensure that he does not just preach maintenance best practice, he discusses it, explains it and ensures that delegates have a much more personal and flexible experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Maintenance Practices
  • Preventative and Predictive Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting and Analysis
  • Corrective Maintenance

Who Should Attend

  • Maintenance Technician
  • Maintenance Engineer
  • Reliability Technician
  • Reliability Engineer

For participation details contact

Mithun Siddartha

+1 780 851 7197 (Canada)

Fill the details below to request your Brochure


    Sep 12 - 16, 2022


    10:00 – 14:45 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)   14:00 – 18:45 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
    1:00 pm - 5:00 pm